SmartHub is Darke Electric Cooperative’s free online bill payment system that allows members to receive outage notifications and monitor energy usage. If you are new to paying your bill online, you will need to create a SmartHub account – it’s super easy, and if you run into any issues, our friendly staff will gladly assist you.
Our goal is to provide you with account access on demand for your mobile devices, tablets, and computers. Our software represents cutting-edge technology, brought to you by your local electric co-op, created with our users in mind, and with features to assist you in your busy life.
Benefits of e-bill: When we save money, you save money

Enrolling in e-bill will help save Darke REC money on postage and printing, which helps us pass savings on to you! Your bills and payment records are accessible on SmartHub – no more hard copies.
Need help getting started with SmartHub? Contact us by email (member@darkerec.com), by phone (800-776-5612), or in person (M-F, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.).