Energy Calculator

At Darke Rural Electric Cooperative, we’re committed to helping our members make informed decisions about their energy use. Understanding how electricity is used in your home or business can lead to better efficiency and savings on your monthly bill.


Estimate Your Energy Costs

Discover how much energy your household consumes with our Home Energy Calculator. This tool allows you to input your home’s details—such as square footage, insulation levels, and heating and cooling systems—to estimate your monthly energy usage.


Tips to Save Energy

Beyond using our calculators, consider these energy-saving tips to reduce your electricity consumption:

  • Adjust your thermostat by a few degrees to lower heating and cooling costs.
  • Unplug devices when not in use to prevent phantom energy loss.
  • Upgrade to ENERGY STAR® appliances for better efficiency.
  • Use power strips to easily disconnect multiple electronics at once.
  • Seal air leaks around doors and windows to improve insulation.
Get Started

Manage Your Account

Need to login to pay your bill, change your address, or report an outage? Use our member SmartHub portal for all account management needs.