AM 2025 invite

Darke Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) invites its members to attend its 2025 Annual Meeting of Members on Thursday, March 20, at Romer's Catering in Greenville, Ohio. Lunch will begin at 11:00 a.m. with a business meeting following at 12:30 p.m. During the business meeting, Darke REC members will hear a review of the past year, the co-op's plans for 2025, and the results of the trustee election. This year, members will elect board trustees for districts 1, 3, and 5. Official ballots will be mailed on February 17th with instructions on how to vote by mail, by phone or online. Online voting will be available February 17th through March 17th. To vote online please have your account number handy, then visit this link: VOTE HERE!

The Annual Meeting is open ONLY to Darke REC members and a guest (limit 1 guest per member). Click here to RSVP by March 10. Contact Jennifer Davenport for more information.